ConnectMyDNA Review

UPDATED Oct. 2024
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IMPORTANT UPDATE: ConnectMyDNA is no longer offering its services to the general public. DDC, the owner of the company, has discontinued the test and all related services. The official website has been taken down and customers can no longer request their results or any other related data. We will monitor the situation closely and post any relevant updates on this page.

We recommend you check out our review of Living DNA.

ConnectMyDNA is a US company dedicated to providing its users with an easy, simple, and budget-friendly way of learning more about themselves through DNA testing. The main idea behind the company stems from the belief that everyone should be allowed access to information contained in their DNA, so it focuses on generating unique DNA signatures and giving its customers an excellent first step for their genetic exploration.

If you want to know more about this particular DNA testing provider, which is one of the leading names in the industry, we recommend reading our in-depth ConnectMyDNA review and learning all about the company and its services. We’ll cover all the important aspects of its business model, ranging from its modus operandi and testing capabilities to the overall accuracy and reliability of the final report.

ConnectMyDNA homepage

How ConnectMyDNA Works

ConnectMyDNA follows the well-established direct-to-customer business model, which incorporates the following steps:

Placing an order – Once you’ve decided on a specific testing option, you can place your order on the official ConnectMyDNA website. All you have to do is choose a test and set your primary and secondary geographic region. During the next step, you’ll be prompted to provide your billing data, but make sure to apply any potential coupons or promo codes before entering your payment information.

ConnectMyDNA how work

Sample collection – Your personal testing kit should arrive at your address within 3-7 business days, but it may take longer during the holidays. Once it arrives, you’ll be able to collect your DNA sample using the provided cotton swabs. All you have to do is follow the provided instructions and the whole procedure should be over in just a couple of minutes.

Sending the sample back – Once you’ve secured your DNA sample, you can send it back to the processing lab in the provided envelope with prepaid postage. This means that you don’t have to worry about any additional expenses apart from the regular price of the test shown on the official website.

Inspecting the results – 3-4 weeks after you’ve sent your DNA sample back to the lab, your final report should be generated. From that point on, you’ll be able to inspect it anytime by logging into the MEMBERS area on the official website.

Why Choose ConnectMyDNA

ConnectMyDNA implements a rather unique and, dare we say, controversial approach to ancestry exploration. It uses modern demographics to compare your DNA to every country within the region you’ve selected for optimal country matches.

Here are some other interesting features of this service:

  • AABB-accredited and ISO-certified testing facility
  • State-of-the-art processing technology
  • Biomek robotic systems for sample handling
  • ABI genetic analyzers
  • Private and secure laboratory
  • Established screening protocols
  • Highly trained team of scientists and consultants
  • Simple testing procedure
  • Accurate and reliable results
  • Vast database of genetic profiles
  • Budget-friendly pricing policy
  • Coupons and promo codes available


Before we get into the specific testing options offered by ConnectMyDNA, we have to point out some essential facts in order to avoid any sort of potential confusion. First of all, ConnectMyDNA does not provide ancestry DNA testing. It just uses current databases representing the structure of the modern world’s population. In other words, the results will indicate the populations with which you share the most genetic similarities.

ConnectMyDNA test

The most important part of your final report is the so-called Gene Ring. This is a revolutionary concept in genetic technology that tries to combine cutting-edge science with modern art. The feature provides you with an easy-to-understand symbolization of your DNA makeup and is also a very scientifically accurate tool that helps you visualize and compare your personal DNA profile to families, population groups, and friends all around the world. The visual representation consists of 13 different rings spaced in a circular pattern and representing the 13 CODIS loci, which is a standard for identifying markers defined by the FBI. Every circle contains two allele values inherited from your parents. The position and color of these markers represent the numeric value of your personal DNA profile. In essence, ConnectMyDNA’s entire purpose lies in discovering similarities and connections between different Gene Rings.

Gene Rings allow for a quick and easy comparison between your personal genetic profile and those of your friends and family. But, most importantly, it also elevates this comparison to the level of the entire world. Comparing the similarities of your genetic makeup to population groups all across the globe is definitely not an easy task unless you have a vast database of DNA profiles at your disposal. Fortunately, ConnectMyDNA has exactly that.

Finally, ConnectMyDNA’s testing solution incorporates a personality test based on the works of Carl Jung. This allows you to make connections based on your personal psychology rather than just DNA profiling. Potential personality traits include extroverted, introverted, intuitive, sensing, thinking, feeling, judging, perceiving, and others.

ConnectMyDNA pricing

This comprehensive explanation was necessary due to the fact that ConnectMyDNA doesn’t feature fundamentally different testing solutions. The only difference between the available options lies in their geographic coverage and price, of course. Having said that, here are the three options at your disposal:

  • Starter Map (89.95$) – The test covers two world regions, which translates to 25+ countries in comparison.
  • Pro Map (99.95$) – This option covers three world regions, which translates to 45+ countries in comparison.
  • Unlimited Map (104.95$) – The best value option covers five world regions or 80+ countries in comparison.

Privacy And Security

ConnectMyDNA collects your personal information that will allow the staff to contact you. These include your name, phone number, email address, and other non-public information associated with your order. On the other hand, the company may also collect your non-personal information, such as your computer type, screen resolution, Internet browser type and version, operating system, geographic location, and information gathered with cookies for record keeping and other purposes.

The company will never disclose or use your non-personal information for any purpose while your personal data is utilized solely to contact you and keep company records. ConnectMyDNA adheres to the Safe Harbor principles established by the US Department of Commerce.

ConnectMyDNA Privacy

Shipping And Handling

Your personal testing kit will be shipped as soon as possible after the company receives your order. It should arrive at your home address within 3-7 business days, as we already mentioned in this ConnectMyDNA review.

The company uses USPS to ship its DNA testing kits and covers the expenses of the return postage. You can also order multiple testing kits and have them shipped to different addresses.


Bottom Line

We see ConnectMyDNA as a company that specializes in providing its users with accurate ethnic estimates based on the DNA profiles generated from users all over the world.

As such, we’re not quite sure how useful its test is since you can get your ethnic estimates and much more for the same price from companies like Ancestry, MyHeritage, and other genetic/genealogical conglomerates.

ConnectMyDNA offers high-quality service, but we’re just not sure we’re getting enough value for the money invested. Gene Rings and other incorporated features definitely sound attractive, but we’re not quite sold on this concept just yet.

User Reviews (4)

ConnectMyDNA customer rating based on 4 user reviews.

The ConnectMyDNA reviews listed below reflect the opinions and experiences of real users and are in no way influenced by the company reviewed here. Before publishing each review, our team checks whether it was submitted by an actual user in an effort to prevent false or spammy reviews.

  1. Shifra waks | November 11, 2023

    Can you please re send my results, I can’t login.


  2. JGC | October 8, 2023

    ConnectMyDna sent my results, wow! according to them, I am south American Guyanese, from Guyana with Every African Country before that, not One White Country! except being born in Liverpool UK from English Irish Scots parents and 5 generations of very white looking people! .. so I sent it off again, under a different email, this time ConnectMyDna said I was primarily Puerto Rican! with every country in Africa Except South Africa.. how curious, now I don’t mind being black, But- I look 100% White, mistaken for Polish quite a bit.. so I called them, explained the dilemma, he said, “Well we do the testing for the Government!” so I laughed because.. I know stuff, so I explained that if this DNA test was Anywhere near accurate, I would be the subject of a documentary as a Chimera at least.. then I explained how class action lawsuits work, that my lawyer would get most, I would get maybe $100K and everyone else that they gave false hope to would get a coupon and an apology.. so he then put his hand over the receiver and I heard him say, ‘She said Class Action Lawsuit!” and then he came back sayng he would send me a complete refund, an they did, overnight by FedEx and.. then my results, were deleted from their database. Except I screenshot everything. I do believe this company was a complete fraud on the many people who paid over $80 a piece for test results not based on reality or testing. Ten years later, Ancestry says I am English, Irish Scottish, for a thousand years. That I was born close to Liverpool England doesn’t make me black. I don’t mind being black, black people might mind it. That said, anyone can decide to be anythng they want now, live and let live. I am a great dancer… I do feel bad for the people who wrote testimonials such as “I was adopted, to know that I am half Taiwanese, gives me a sense of peace” when they got no such thing from this sham company. Just a con job.

  3. Erkidego | August 28, 2023

    Someone should file a class lawsuit against so everyone can get their results and their DNA raw data.

  4. Mary Elliott | March 5, 2023

    I did DNA in 2013. Didn’t understand it then. Gran daughter wants to see it now
    Can’t connect on line if still in business

    Bar code. 7121-ZNLZ-8300


  5. Cristina Martinez | October 9, 2022

    My husband passed away in 2019 and I could get a copy of his DNA and mine for my son but the site is gone!!!! I believe it was purchased by Genomelink. I will email them and ask for copies. This us extremely upsetting bc I thought too that we would be able to get our results at any time. Wish I would have save the results in 2015, when we did the tests.

  6. LILLIAN S | July 31, 2021

    Wow. I waited a few years to get a decent printer, then I needed help to put it together a whole year later. OmG! No access to results so what a waste of money to be stolen from and possibly hacked and cloned.

  7. Catherine Lestrange | June 21, 2021

    Very upset can’t find my results.

  8. Debrah | January 24, 2021

    Very upsetting that they did not even send out an email telling us they were shutting down so we could get our results. Rip off!

  9. Christian | December 3, 2020

    Very upsetting to see that connectmydna is no longer. I even did a test about my personality and everything on there and we cannot get our results. I am outraged!

  10. Anna | November 26, 2020

    I was devastated to find that I have lost all the information that came from my DNA test with ConnectMyDNA. Like others on this page, I believed that I would have access to this information indefinitely – so I never took a copy of it for my files. I believe that their test results are more accurate than some of their competitors – my results were an unexpected confirmation of a relationship in my ancestry which I had heard about, but would never have expected a DNA test to reveal. A 2nd DNA test (a gift from someone) was bland, didn’t reflect the multicultural backgrounds that I heard about through my mother and older brother some 40 years ago and have thrown up possible relatives that can’t be tracked back via several family tree research sites. I suspect they mixed up some test results. SO … my dilemma …the one that is valid is no longer available and the (probably) invalid one is still there. Please release our results to us .. even if just sending them by email.

  11. charlette M Henry | October 23, 2020

    What has happened to my results from previous testing. I have a login and password that I have used for some time. Why can’t I read my SMS along with NJIT information. Pls direct me as to what to do. Thank you.

  12. Amanda Ravsten | June 18, 2020

    This site was not updated June, 2020. I can’t even find connectmydna anywhere. It keeps redirecting to HomeDNA. Did they just buy their domain shady-style?

    I did enjoy it, but I want to look at my results again and they’re gone and nobody is talking about it?? Ugh.

    While looking though, I did discover that a lot of people had Oman in their results… I thought it was odd for myself, but intrigued, now I wonder if it was BS or if we will all have that connection from the earliest ancestors…

    • Nikia | July 30, 2020

      I’m having the same issues but my results were very believable so I loved it but want to view it again. Oman was not on mine

  13. Gina | June 8, 2020

    Why am I no longer able to find the connectmydna website and login. The site does not look familiar when I click on the link. It goes to a website named HOMEDNA(Easy at-home genetic testing).

  14. Celia Handwohl | May 22, 2020

    Where did the company go? I was look thru papers and found some things from them and I wanted to go back…. ???????

    • Stormy | September 27, 2020

      I purchased a Connect My DNA back in 2014 with the understanding I’d have access to my information indefinitely. I have my barcode and have reached out to the site I was redirected to. They confirmed receipt of my email and will get back to me.

  15. Stephanie Paul | April 1, 2020

    Why can’t I find a log in button. Also, I did this so many years ago, I used a library computer, & do not remember the e mail that I used. Now how do I find my results???I am very new to this, please tell me there are guidelines to follow. THANKS. Can’t give a rating, no results seen yet.

  16. Ben | May 1, 2019

    Save your money.

  17. Amanda Thompson | January 12, 2018

    Excellent service! It gave me so much information I never imagined could be extracted from a simple mouth swab.

  18. Jack Shore | December 10, 2017

    I thought this test will also tell me all about my ancestry…

  19. Grace Richardson | October 22, 2017

    I just freeze when I see a complicated chart, but the results were very easy to understand even for me.

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